Promissory Note Education Campaign – The 1866 Civil Rights – 14th Amendment Super Citizenship Act Official, US CONSTITUTIONAL Identity-Birth Right Certificate of US Black Citizens, i.e., the Descendants of Chattel Slaves, Freemen, et al – 1964 Jim Crow Survivors Wed, 10 Apr 2019 15:33:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Promissory Note Education Campaign – The 1866 Civil Rights – 14th Amendment Super Citizenship Act 32 32 The 14th Amendment Promissory Note Education Campaign Thu, 04 Apr 2019 22:54:05 +0000 Read more]]> The Civil Rights Act of 1866 (The Act) Is The Introduction To Your Birthright Super Citizenship

  • The super citizenship exclusively and solely designated to black citizens;
  • First of such laws in US history at the time;
  • Progenitor of the 14th Amendment, by which it was/is codified, enshrined, embedded into the US Constitution;
  • Official, National Birth and Identity Rights Certificate as well as constitutionally legal intellectual property exclusively and solely to emancipated and liberated, freed by US Civil War (April 1861- May 1865) from 245 years of generations-destroying chattel slavery, including Freemen (non-slave blacks), refugees, coloreds (blacks of various shades of pigmentation and other anatomic features, and their descendant children as long as this Union republic “shall not perish from the earth”;
  • License that constitutionally authorizes black citizens to conduct on any range of subjects affecting then/us, business with and within the United States of America, via its federal government, particularly that of Presidential jurisdiction under which they have special “equal justice-protection under the law” citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens.” The Act, Section 1



The Petition

Presidential Proclamation

The Resolution

The Narrative

The Promissory Note Quote


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The Promissory Note Objective Fri, 05 Apr 2019 22:46:05 +0000 Read more]]> The nationwide Promissory Note Education Campaign, is educating what the US Constitution says about American, black citizens of the United States, Union republic whom are of the systemic-creating, 245 years, industrial institution of chattel slavery, and not that of willing immigration, including Freemen (non slave black) et al.

Based on their chattel slavery experience, We the People authorizes by constitutional entitlement, enormous rectifying, reconciliatory, super citizenship power, solely and exclusively black citizens, via the 1866 Civil Rights Act (The Act), codified into the Constitution.

Regardless of skin shades, etc.; or political and religious affiliation-persuasion; social, economic class status from the prison to the pulpit, and every sector in between, has the sacred right and duty to know of the incredible things said of them in the Constitution.

For the first time since the law was bestowed upon our chattel enslaved ancestors 153 years ago on April 9,1866, this effort has the great potential to naturally form a unified body politic of We the People black citizens.

For sake of national security, based on the Abraham Lincoln January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, as Commander in Chief, back by the armed forces, this President shall likewise issue a complimentary Executive Order Proclaiming black citizens as the sole Subject Beneficiaries of the law’s super citizenship authority and power, as thrice ordered in the Act for Oath of Office fulfillment.

This Promissory Note “arms” black citizens, and particularly activists with the “weapony” to finally win-overcome in our generational, 400 years long fight for total, experiential freedom “as is enjoyed by white citizens”, according to Section 1 of The Act, including the credible license to negotiate the matters of reparation for 245 years of chattel slavery, 99 years of Black Code-Jim Crow legislations, and 58 years of failed governmental, social, regenerative programs.


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The Promissory Note Resolution Sat, 06 Apr 2019 22:48:27 +0000 Read more]]> This commitment is to our mutually conjoined ancestors, they being the 740,000 innocent young white boys and men, including the 38,000 blacks killed, including Abraham Lincoln in the US Civil War to end chattel slavery (1861-1865) about, over and for us, as well as all US citizens whom suffered and perished in said matter from that unprecedented time, to the late, Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who coined the timely correct phase, “Promissory Note” as the currency-“check: that only we can “cash” at “the bank of justice…that will give us upon demand, The RICHES of FREEDOM and The SECURITY of JUSTICE.”

Whereas, this year of 2019 is the 400th year in which Americans within the jurisdiction of the United States Union republic’s, being under the direct protection of the Presidency, as a collective, generational body politic;

Whereas, We the People black citizens therein, being descendants of Africans slaves purchased from the ancient African & Islamic Slavery Trade by Christian, Jewish slave merchants driving the Transatlantic Commerce industries;

Whereas, these said African slaves were brought to America against theirs wills, shackled in chains, to serve first British, then post 1776, US white citizens of willing immigration heritage, as living human property, i.e., chattel slaves, upon whose ancestors backs this “nation of immigrants” is built;

Whereas, of the 400 years of said Americans’ non-immigration existence in this land, only 55 have been absent of the 2 consecutive government legislated slaveries, they being 245 years of chattel slavery (1619-1865), and 99 (1865-1964) of Black Code-Jim Crowism, totaling 344;

Whereas, respectively both, unrequited, the devastations has continually been increasing upon the descendant generations, as stated in the 2008-09 Congressional Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow Resolution HR #194 (Simple)

“Whereas African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow–long after both systems were formally abolished—through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunity

Whereas, in the earnest effort to rectify the 245 years of chattel slavery, in the midst of the war to end chattel slavery, dubbed, Civil War (1861-1865), President Abraham Lincoln issued his Executive Ordered, January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation;

Whereas, acting as Commander in Chief of the US military, Mr. Lincoln personally led the Northern Union armed forces in victory over that of the rebellious Southern Confederacy, thereby ending the peculiar, industrial institution of generations-destroying chattel slavery;

Whereas, chattel slavery was abolished in the United States in December 6, 1865, by the 13th Amendment of the Constitution;

Whereas, We the People white citizens, via a super citizenship was bestowed upon the freed (from chattel slavery) and freemen by the 1866 Civil Rights Act, the Progenitor of and morphed into the 14th Amendment’

Whereas, the14th Amendment provide the authorization for the freed and freemen to participate in the governance of both black and white citizens, via the 15th;

Whereby, the first Civil Rights Act-law in US history is the foundation of all succeeding such laws and movements;

Whereas, it is the National Birth and Identity Rights Certificate solely and exclusively to US black citizens, by which they are authorized, empowered, licensed to conduct business with and within the USA, including negotiate reparations

Whereas, the crux of the US Constitution, hence, the fate of the Union republic, lays upon the backs, therefore, continued consequential existence and Civil Rights, super citizenship of black citizens, by Presidential Executive Ordered enforcements as intended;

Therefore, be it resolved, that in this 400th commemoration and celebration of black citizens heritage in America, finally, after 155 years since its enactment in 1868, as a collective body politic, we now re-claim, claim for the first time our rightful, super citizenship status in this Union republic;

Whereby, in order to boost our national campaign drive, according to Section 8 of the Act, we call upon and expect of the Presidency of the United States to issue an Emancipation Proclamation based Presidential Executive Order proclaiming the merits and identity of the official Subject Beneficiaries of the Promissory Note Amendment-Act, as being black citizens, i.e., descendants of chattel slaves, et al.



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The Promissory Note Quote – MLK, Jr. Sun, 07 Apr 2019 23:17:27 +0000 Read more]]> On Saturday, August 28, 1963, during the great, Washington, DC Civil Rights March and Rally in which the late Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., proclaimed on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, his now iconic, Civil Rights Movement, “I Have A Dream”, he coined the phase, “Promissory Note”.

Essentially, “Promissory Note” is the code phrase for the 14th Amendment-1866 Civil Rights (The Act), which as the National Birth and Identity Rights certificate, solely and exclusively to the only Americans whom served 245 years (1620-1865) as living, the human property of this erroneously and immorally offensively purported “nation of immigrants” freed from the chattel slavery institution; and Freemen (non slave Negroes-black).

Thereby, this Promissory Note is also the license, and currency by which black citizens are authorized to conduct super business, including reparations negotiations with the government of the United States Union republic.

Demonstrating it’s significance, Promissory Note is discussed in the very beginning Dr. King’s speech setting the framework for its closing remarks of, “Free at last. Free at last. Thank GOD Almighty, we are free at last.”  Hence, until the full and complete “cashing” of the Promissory Note, freedom total freedome for black citizens, and subsequently, the nation remains dangerously allusive.

“So we have come here today to dramatize an appalling condition.

In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a CHECK. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a PROMISSORY NOTE to which every American was to fall heir.

This note was A PROMISE that all men would be guaranteed the inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this PROMISSORY NOTE insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.

Instead of honoring THIS SACRED OBLIGATION, America has given the Negro people a BAD CHECK which has come back marked “insufficient funds.”

But we refuse to believe that THE BANK OF JUSTICE is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation.

So we have come to CASH THIS CHECK — A CHECK that will give us upon demand THE RICHES OF FREEDOM AND THE SECURITY OF JUSTICE.”

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Presidential E.O Promissory Note Proclamation Mon, 08 Apr 2019 22:48:41 +0000 Read more]]>  

This Presidential Executive Ordered Promissory Note Proclamation, which based on the Abraham Lincoln Emancipation Proclamation, accomplishes the following, of which details can be later shared with your staff:

  1. Stimulates national, deep and needed, cordial-civil discussions on the merits of this super law of 1866, as to whom it specifically addresses, by whom and why it was legislated and what is to be expected of its correct demand for Presidential enforcement;
  2. Returns to the fore of discussion, three (3) obscured or minimized Congressional documents, that if revealed and enforced as ordered by We the People, could swiftly lead to white-black reconciliation and healing, as promised based on the proper execution of our republican form of government. “We have given you a republic, if you can keep it.”
  3. The 2005 US Senate Apology For Victim Lynching Resolution SB 39
  4. The 2008-09 Congressional Apology Resolution HR 194 Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow
  5. HR 40: Commission to Study and Develop Reparation Proposals for African-Americans Act
  6. It will divinely endow you with the moral mantle of Abraham Lincoln, making lies of racist accusations, empowering your sworn before GOD duty to wield “the sword” of the supreme law of this land with impunity.

Note: Next to Jesus Christ/Yehusha, Lincoln is most endeared by black citizens, over and/or for whom circa 740,000, innocent, young white, American boys of both, north and south, as well as 38,000 blacks of such, perished in our sacred War to end the generations-destroying, industrial institution of chattel slavery.

Hence, We the People also understand that behind the ongoing fight over “race” in this country, lies the truth, that none of this has ever been about skin color or “race”.

The American Dream is about the responsible and noble quest of all US citizens to rectify the consequences of generations-ravaging laws experienced by the victims of such, i.e., chattel slaves, et al.

This is especially poignant in that, today their descendant children disproportionately lead all other ethno-racial demographic identities in nearly every negative, national, social statistics, the most egregious and ominous being that of black homelessness. See Unified Action Plan

Experience, not race (anatomical features), ethnicities, minority/majority status, religious, etc. identity, but rather that of involuntary servitude which has created the need for a particular special path to citizenship, whereby non chattel slaves descendants do not qualify, being of willing immigration (legal and illegal) heritage.

As a subsection of We the People, black citizens must be reborn of and into citizenship rights, by collectively, in body politic formation, recognizing our justifiable, birthright entitled benefits in this country, for the sake of the Union, without whom, the life of the republic shall perish.

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The Promissory Note Petition Tue, 09 Apr 2019 22:45:56 +0000 Read more]]> We the People of the United States, black citizens undersigned, do embrace, declare and proclaim the Constitutional entitlement that attests to the super citizenship authority within the Civil Rights Act of 1866, the Progenitor of its own 1868 14th Amendment, as described, as well as mandated to its sole Subject Beneficiaries, the descendants of chattel slavery, Freemen (non slave Negroes-black), refugees, et al.

Therefore, we now hold this truth to be self-evident, particularly in light of what the late Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., describes in “I Have A Dream”, as the “appalling condition” devastating black citizens, resulting from societal dysfunction to enforce the 14th-Act, i.e., “cashing” of the “Promissory Note” at the “Bank of Justice”.

Ted Hayes Civil Rights-Homeless Activist – Justiceville Los Angeles, CA Ted@TedHayes.US


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The Promissory Note Narrative Wed, 10 Apr 2019 15:33:50 +0000 Read more]]> Conserving the advancement of EXPERIENTIAL, “equal justice-protection under the law” American, US citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens”, for chattel slave and Freemen (non slave Negroes-black), et al, descendants, i.e., black citizens

“…they were signing a PROMISSORY NOTE…A PROMISE…rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…America has defaulted on this PROMISSORY NOTE insofar as her citizens of color are concerned.”

“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”

“So we have come to CASH THIS CHECK — A CHECK that will give us upon demand the RICHES of FREEDOM and the SECURITY of JUSTICE.” MLK, Jr.

Objective: Educate Every Black Citizen On The Promissory, i.e. 14th Amendment-Act

In this 400th anniversary of the only Americans not of willing immigration heritage, but rather one in which 345 of those years enslaved within the interlocked, consecutive, institutions of generations-destroying 245 years of legislated chattel slavery, and 99 of Black Codes-Jim Crowism, it’s imperative that we now awaken to our divine destiny in this Union republic of the United States of America.

This commitment is to our ancestors, the 740,000 innocent young white boys and men, including the 38,000 blacks perished the Civil War to end chattel slavery (1861-1865), about, over and for us, as well as all the Americans whom suffered and perished, particularly, President Abraham Lincoln and Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who coined the timely correct phase, “Promissory Note” as the currency-“check: that only we can “cash” at “the bank of justice…that will give us upon demand, The RICHES of FREEDOM and The SECURITY of JUSTICE.”

Hence, the launching of The Promissory Note Education, nationwide campaign alerts and educates the general public of the incredible things that the US Constitution says about American, black citizens whom continue to languish under the systemic-creating, 245 years, industrial institution of chattel slavery, etc.

“Whereas African-Americans continue to suffer from the consequences of slavery and Jim Crow–long after both systems were formally abolished—through enormous damage and loss, both tangible and intangible, including the loss of human dignity and liberty, the frustration of careers and professional lives, and the long-term loss of income and opportunityThe 2008 Congressional Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow Resolution 194 (Simple) See attached Resolution

Base on their chattel slavery experience heritage, as no other Americans, We the People has by constitution mandate, entitled an enormous rectifying, reconciliatory, super powered citizenship solely and exclusively black citizens, via the 1866 Civil Rights Act (The Act), codified into the Constitution, which is the Promissory Note.

Regardless of skin shades, etc.; or political and religious affiliation-persuasion; social, economic class status from the prison to the pulpit, and every sector in between, black citizens has the sacred right, even duty to know what is said of them in the Constitution.

Potential Results
With this being accomplished, which some of us dissenting and abstaining, a natural forming socio-psychological uniting, body politic of black citizens will begin to occur, unprecedented since the law was bestowed upon our freed, chattel enslaved ancestors 153 years ago, on April 9,1866.

As a significant number of We the People black citizens, read, see and comprehend the 14th Amendment-Act upon which the Constitution itself has its base, and is the chief corner stone thereof, all Americans, including citizens of the world will and must respectfully embrace our claim as the rightful heirs of this Promissory Note, super citizenship US Constitutional law.

For the sake of this “one nation under GOD”, by Executive Order, the US President issues the Promissory Note Proclamation which as for long as this Union republic “shall not perish from the earth”, be vigorously enforced by the Presidency, as it is thrice (3 times) ordered to ensure his Oath of Office fulfillment by the protection of Section 1 of the Act.

This information “arms”-equips black citizens, and particularly the activists, with the necessary “weaponry”-tools to finally win-overcome in our generations-long fight for total, experiential freedom “as is enjoyed by white citizens”, according to Section 1 of The Act.

Finally, the Promissory Note is the actually the bill of sales, credibility license to sensibly negotiate the legitimate matter of reparations to black citizens of slavery heritage

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