The 1866 Civil Rights – 14th Amendment Super Citizenship Act Official, US CONSTITUTIONAL Identity-Birth Right Certificate of US Black Citizens, i.e., the Descendants of Chattel Slaves, Freemen, et al – 1964 Jim Crow Survivors Mon, 03 Feb 2025 06:17:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The 1866 Civil Rights – 14th Amendment Super Citizenship Act 32 32 The Links To The 14th Amendment Seminar Mon, 03 Feb 2025 05:46:19 +0000 Read more]]>
Instructed by T.E.D. Hayes

[Talk – Educate – Deliver]
America’s Foremost Lay Scholar On The 14th Amendment

Every “Hump Day” Wednesday Evening, Starting At 6:00 pm PCT
Something Good To Think About In The Middle of the Week”

“You Don’t Want To Miss This. Your US, American Identity, Life, Liberty,
Freedom And Precious Citizenship Depends On It”

[ Class # I ] See: “We Are Not Immigrants” @

Join Zoom Meeting: The 14th Amendment Seminar, Session (1)

Meeting ID: 826 6578 3211
Passcode: 5heBjK

Join Zoom Meeting: The 14th Amendment Seminar, Overflow Session (2)
Meeting ID: 824 3516 0781
Passcode: 5PzFKs

Join Zoom Meeting: The 14th Amendment Seminar, Overflow Session (3)
Meeting ID: 825 4509 2899
Passcode: 9XUdUc

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The Chronicled Statements For Urban Smart Network (USN) Fri, 07 May 2021 03:26:20 +0000 Read more]]> Long Before Now, White House USICH Policy
Ted Hayes Affirms Since 1985

The USA Is Indeed, A Systemic Racist Society
Whereas, 95% of American, US Citizens Are Not racist
But Unwittingly and Non-Maliciously, by Institutionalized Behavior, They/We Do Practice It
Part I


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FLASH BULLETIN: Ted Hayes Affirms – USA Is Indeed, A Systemic Racist Society Part I Fri, 07 May 2021 03:13:40 +0000 Read more]]> Ted Hayes Affirms:
USA Is Indeed, A Systemic Racist Society
Whereas, 95% of All American US Citizens Are Not Racist, but Unwittingly and Institutional Behavior-Habits Practice It
Part I

The Real American Racist
While it’s the strategist of the liberal-Democratic Party to historically “flip-the-script” on the real, rooted foundations of today’s “systemic racism” against black citizens, the Republican – Conservative leadership, black and white, ignorantly continues to deny such reality of our beloved Union Republic. (Art. 4. Sec. 4 US Const.) The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”

Classic history reveals that it was actually the Democratic political entity that advocated and legislated the 245 years, British Empires’ generations-destroying chattel slavery, succeeded by 99 years of Black Codes-Jim Crowism, as well as creating its domestic, terrorist, military arm of the KKK, including the last 58 of deliberately failed, government social policies and programs f primarily found in America’s urban centers, which is totally undeniable.

Yet, as though these generations-destroying abuses never occurred, therefore, not having any negative effects of the present, the conservative-Republican elements ferociously attest that systemic racism is no longer existent, adding all things now, especially since the deceptive 1964 Civil Rights Act, are fair and just.

“Lets’ Talk About It”

Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation; Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;
(2008 Apology Resolution HR #194 For Slavery and Jim Crowism)

Indeed, the Democrats have practiced and continue to practice the systems of racism as the sin of commission, it is rather their counterparts, i.e., conservative-Republicans who are committing that of omission, which for obvious reasons, is actually worse.

Former, US Attorney General, Mr. Eric Holder, under the auspices of the Barack Obama Administration proclaimed by Presidential approval, that America is a nation of cowards because we refuse to have a deep discussion about it, of which conservative-Republicans have needlessly run from, but is actually the best gift for them to finally counter the continued racist antics of the  Democrats.
(See “Lets Have That Conversation Now”

However, let it be made clear that while, yes, naturally, after 403 years (as of this date) of unrequited injustices of generational consequences for both black and white Americans, is systemically racist, 99% of them are not so.

Instead, as all peoples of every ethno-racial identity, social class status, etc., Americans too have bigotries, prejudices, likes-dislikes, loves and hatreds, which is only normal, human maladies, that can and must be rectified as civil beings.

Known for not slinging racist slurs at anybody, with what many, especially honest, objective and socially convicted, white peoples can firmly affirm would be justifiable if he did so, given the 402 years history of the two sets of very divergent Americans as noted by the resounding, though empty, national and global cry of “Black Lives Matter.”

Classical, historical racism in the British Colony/USA was a high disdain, even unwarranted hatred by white-Caucasian, European-based Americans against those of black-Negroid Africans but founded upon phony genetics and twisted Biblical doctrines, was demonstrated for 349 years (1619-1968).

However, since the early 1950’s, into the mid and late 1960’s, particularly immediately post the 1968 assassination of Rev,-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., over 90% of white American have evolved from such foolishness, and embraced the correct mindset of social conviction, not to be confused with guilt, but have never been taught as how to deal with it.

Instead, certain African-American leaders, not knowing either how to fully address the generational troubles of black peoples, having nothing to do with whites, government or even the two main political parties, rather, continued to smear Americans and the police with the notion of “white guilt” and self-hatred.

Of course, such practice took on psychological (emotional, mental), economic, social, political impact on both white and black citizens.

While most Americans, both white and black are tired of the antics of  racism and seek to be co-equal humans as declared in the Declaration of Independence, they are entrapped in a system of racism without really knowing it.

Naturally, all human beings have prejudices, etc., having nothing to do with biology, but rather, education, social class structure status, customs and cultures, etc.

Learn The Truth: View Past Podcasts “Your Power ‘Weapon” on Urban Smart Network of Ted’s now on hiatus till autumn season.

Scroll to “Programs”, then down to “Your Power  ‘Weapon”, view the first two episodes.

Here, he expounds with the confident eloquence of a University Scholar (though not, but rather, a hard studied layperson), concerning the true, but seemingly allusive, Black Power of America, that’s been “hidden”, even codified, enshrined, embedded, and deeply buried the US Constitution.

It is no wonder that certain Democrats espouses to black citizens to not take the US Constitution seriously because we/they are not in it, whereas the total opposite is true, whereby we are the very center, heart and soul of this Supreme Law of the land.  Just got to look for  what hidden in plain sight.

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The Power “Weapon” of The Act (A Study) Wed, 07 Apr 2021 19:44:54 +0000 Read more]]> After decades of raising our clenched fist and shouting “Black Power”, in supposed resistance to the proverbial, racist, white supremacist “white man” of the USA, its ever evident that such activism did not, is not and will not manifest to black citizens the justice that we imagine.

It is evident that as of date, what few black citizens actually put the majority of their hours being socially active in our purported cause(s), tend to be reactionary and defensive.

Our Black Lives Matters

  1. Post a violent confrontation between primarily a black citizen and the police, whereby the former becomes killed or dies within law enforcement custody, a tiny certain of us, not all for sure, respond/react with the traditional antics of:
  2. news conferences, marches, vigils, riots with shouts of castigating white people, especially “the police” with accusations of racism;
  3. followed by endless, self-arguing, disuniting meetings and other relating events whereby new-media created celebrity “leaders” and organizations are formed etc.,
  4. only to witness that in a few weeks or months, these reactionary, supposedly movements gradually dissipate, evolving into activists competition, while fading away back into “business as usual” lifestyles, that is, until the next such incident.
  5. Further, even apart from social-civil upheaval incidents, the vast majority of said “black people” can’t seem to trust each other, especially with money, power positions, et al, to organize ourselves into effective, progressive bodies of politics, business, entertainment, social-civic accomplishments, etc.
  6. It is evident that “Black Power”, whatever that is, particularly being based on skin color and other anatomical features such as hair texture, is not the “magical” matter than transcend us out of our own, non-white induced, morasses of self-destruction, all the while berating the police, the white man, the government, the racist, and shouting “Black Lives Matter”.

Matters of Black Lives
Unlike the “Black Power”, so called “Reparations”, or even the legendary 1960’s Civil Rights movements, the matters of black lives endeavors is unprecedented in US history.

Not since our 1865 liberation from chattel slavery and the enactments of January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln’s Executive Order of the Emancipation Proclamation; the Republican Party and Lincolns, Triad Amendments of the 13th, with particular emphasis of the 14th, the manifestation of the 1866 Civil Rights Act (The Act), and 15th Amendments, including the 1870’s Anti-KKK Acts, have such a movement been experienced.

The Power of the “Weapon” – [Can Arrest, Prosecute-If Guilty – Punished. The “Teeth”]
The implementation of this sacred, super citizenship Act to the chattel slaves and Freemen descendants, will transcend black citizens out and above their/our overly narcissistic, natural barriers of skin shades, social-civil status, religious, political persuasions, and fears and distrust by discovering the awesome authority and powers granted to us in the US Constitution.

Based on the Supreme Law of this Union Republic of the United States, i.e., the US Constitution, containing the one “hidden” 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act of federal, super citizenship status of black citizens…

…for the initial sake of them/us *“in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom”, as a united, effectively functioning, special, body politic of We the People, black super citizens are authorized with military support to conduct the following activities should our proposals for our “actual freedom” be refused, is the application of Section 2 of The Act:

“…any person who, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, shall subject, or cause to be subjected, any inhabitant of any State or Territory to the deprivation of any right secured or protected by this actsuch person having at any time been held in a condition of slavery or involuntary servitude…or by reason of his color or raceshall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction, shall be punished…in the discretion of the court.

Note: “their actual freedom” correlates with that statement of rights in Declaration of Independence, sentence 4, “…as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
Whereas, chattel slaves, and Freemen were excluded from The First Supreme Law of this land, is it compensated by The Act based on the Emancipation Proclamation

Black Super Citizens Have Ultimate Power Over The POTUS
No federal official is above and/or exempted from the Constitutional Law, including elected Congressional (House and Senate) and Presidential appointed Cabinet Members and all of their staffs, as well as those of the Supreme Court, and even the military.

This matter military deployment by the POTUS’s for our “actual freedom”, includes State, County and Municipalities, as demonstrated by the Presidential actions of Presidents Kennedy, Eisenhower, Grant and of course the “godfather” of such, the original and trend setter executor of this duty, Abraham Lincoln himself based on the Emancipation Proclamation.

  1. Kennedy – June 10, 1963 sends federal marshals and army to force desegregate Alabama State;
  2. Eisenhower – September 1957 sends federal National Guard to desegregate Central High, Little Rock Arkansas
  3. Grant – The Anti-KKK Enforcement Acts,

A.  First, May 1870 – prohibited groups of people from banding together “or to go in disguise upon the public highways, or upon the premises of another” with the intention of violating citizens’ constitutional rights. Even this legislation did not diminish harassment of black voters in some areas.

BSecond – February 1871 – placed administration of national elections under the control of the federal government and empowered federal judges and United States marshals to supervise local polling places.

C.  Third – April 1871 – empowered the president to use the armed forces to combat those who conspired to deny equal protection of the laws and to suspend habeas corpus, if necessary, to enforce the act.

4.  Lincoln – “putting down” the first and original, State, i.e., Southern States Confederacy, organized, military forced insurrection for the sake of keeping chattel slaves April 11, 1861-June 19, 1865

Your Power Docs in Chronological Order

  1. Emancipation Proclamation – January 1, 1863, Transferred freed chattel slaves, and their descendants forever under the Protection of the POTUS and US Military
      • Based on the First and Second, Congressional Confiscation Acts
        1. First – August 6, 1861, one of the wartime measures designed to allow the federal government. i.e., Union armies to seize property, including slave property (chattel – living, human property – happiness) being used to support the Confederate rebellion.
        2. Second – July 17, 1862, was virtually an emancipation proclamation. It said that slaves of civilian and military Confederate officials “shall be forever free,” but it was enforceable only in areas of the South occupied by the Union Army.

The Triad or Reconstruction Amendments
A.  The 13th – Abolishment of Chattel Slavery except in prison December 6, 1865 Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865
B.  The 14th – Federal super citizenship of black citizens, July 9, 1868

      • Based on The 1866 Civil Rights Act, enacted April 9, 1866, (but not ratified until 1870

C.  The 15th – Black Citizens authority to govern via the vote February 3, 1870

The Anti-KKK Acts 1870-71

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Today: April 4, 2021 – 53rd Commemoration of the 1968 Assassination of Prophet MLK Sun, 04 Apr 2021 20:14:22 +0000 Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. aka, Prophet MLK
Have We Forgotten?
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INDEFINITELY POSTPONED: “Cashing the Promissory Note” Conference Celebration – Merits of the 1866 Civil Rights-14th Amend Act of Black Citizenship Thu, 12 Mar 2020 12:32:27 +0000 Read more]]> Due to a lack of interest, therefore, support from the certain leaders in the African-American, black, conservative-Republicans leadership community, the “Cashing the Promissory Note” Conference On and Celebration of the Merits of the 1866 Civil Rights-14th Amendment Act of federal, super Citizenship under the Jurisdiction of the Executive Branch, solely and exclusively to black citizens, the descendants of chattel slaves…scheduled for Monday, April 6th is INDEFINITELY POSTPONED until a later date.

However, it really doesn’t matter who those certain individuals were/are, so no need for me to give details.

Other than to say the following, that:
Given their unenviable circumstances, I actually do understand, without resentment or criticisms, theirs and the many other African-American, black conservative-Republican leaders with mistaken sentiments towards me and my espoused causes, they being:

• …the National Security Threat crisis of homelessness, particularly as it relates to black citizens, and the advanced strategies presented to resolve the matter(s)…

• …as an American people(s), to assume the Divinely destined leadership role in the processes of healing and reconciliation throughout all sectors of this born-with-a-near-fatal “wound” in the soul of our exceptional Union republic…

• …by embracing and learning intelligent cognizance to exercise, in an unprecedented way, our special, US Constitutional, federal, super citizenship…

• …thereby as did President Abraham Lincoln’s “Black Troops” of the Civil War, help to advance the continuing July 1776, We the People’s Revolution against monarchist tyranny by saving the Union to keep the lofty and true ideals of the Republic.

In doing so, we together will able to speed up the processes of healing and reconciliation between black and black,white and white, as well as black and white citizens; that among other aspects of the American Dream, we may finally transcend this hurtful, ginned up racial matter.

• “Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights (experiential, “as is enjoyed by white citizens” Sec. 1). The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges. 
“[MLK, Jr. “Dream”]

Note: Official 2008 Congressional Apology Resolution For Slavery and Jim Crow HR #194 (Simple)
14. Whereas a genuine apology is an important and necessary first step in the process of racial reconciliation;

15. Whereas an apology for centuries of brutal dehumanization and injustices cannot erase the past, but confession of the wrongs committed can speed racial healing and reconciliation and help Americans confront the ghosts of their past;

17. Whereas it is important for this country, which legally recognized slavery through its Constitution and its laws, to make a formal apology for slavery and for its successor, Jim Crow, so that it can move forward and seek reconciliation, justice, and harmony for all of its citizens

Therefore, ultimately, the rejections of my person is okay, because if GOD hasn’t, can’t or won’t speak their hearts to convert them, as I think HE has to me, about these most significant matters to us descendants of the chattel slaves, et al…or if HE just ain’t “into it”…not HIS will…

…then for sure, there’s nothing that I can say-beg or do can move them to said action. Hence, no worries!
However, I remain faithful that Heavenly Fathers will eventually at some future point, when it suites HIM, HE will conduct converting business with them on this matter, which is more dear to HIMSELF than you and me, or even Lincoln. So we shall soon see what GOD is up to.

Nonetheless, in speaking with Garret Elmy in the Hon. Mr. Steve King’s (R) office about the occasion’s prospects, he said that Congressman still wants it to occur.

So as things develop via another vain of strategy, I’ll will update you, that is, if you are still open to this move.

Thanks and blessings



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“CASHING The Promissory NOTE” General Information Fri, 24 Jan 2020 17:19:03 +0000 Read more]]> The Conservancy for the Preservation of Black Citizenship,
Justiceville, LIRM (Love Is Real Movement), et al

On Capitol Hill,
Washington, DC
Wednesday, February 26, 2010

A Historically Unprecedented In US History Capital Hill Occasion
Everyone Is Invited To Celebrate With Black Citizens Their/Our Great Awakening

“Cashing the Promissory Note”

Two Phase Expose’ Conference On and Grand Celebration of
The Merits of the 1866 Civil Rights Act – 14th Amendment

The Launching of A Great, National Awareness Campaign

Sponsored by: The Hon. Congressman, Steve King of Iowa (and others to be announced?)
Presented by: Ted Hayes and staff
Legendary, Civil Rights – Homelessness Resolution Activist
America’s Foremost Lay-Scholar on Merits of the 14th Amendment-1866 Civil Rights Act

The First Time Since, Its’1866-68 Enactment, 155 Years Ago,
Black Citizens Will Thankfully Reclaim and Proclaim this Law as Their Sole-Exclusive US Citizenship Property Right,
Designated to Them as the Moral and Legal Subject Beneficiaries of…
the 740,000 young, innocent white boys and men, plus 38,000 blacks who perished in Civil War against each other
including President Abraham Lincoln,

The Official, Beginning of Black Citizens Discovering and Comprehending Their Constitutional Right To Self-Determination
In This Union of United, Republican Form of Government, States of America

In Honor of The Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Finest Birthday Gift to the Young, Social-Spiritual Prophet, The Greatest Civilian Citizen In US History

The Promissory Note Excerpt: “I Have A Dream”
[MLK “Dream”, Promissory Note Sec – edited – see full text attached]

“In a sense we have come to our nation’s capital to cash a check
a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.

This note was a promise…black citizens… as well as white citizens,
would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness

would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty,
and the pursuit of happiness

So we have come to cash this check —
a check
that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.

We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now”

There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights.
The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.
[“I Have A Dream]

“Thank GOD Almighty, We can finally celebrate in earnest

Contact: 424-248-4219 or

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Results of Your “Cashing” Money Tue, 07 Jan 2020 21:05:36 +0000 Read more]]> Your “Cashing” money for this historically unprecedented Capital Hill conference will result in revealing the full, contextual knowledge and subsequent instructions on the execution of The Act by the President of the United States, thereby accomplishing the following:

A.  healing the potentially fatal, slavery wound in the heart and soul of We the People, causing the long for white/black racial reconciliation [See 2008, Congressional Apology Resolution for Slavery and Jim Crow” seeking forgiveness for such ]

B.  keeps the Union republic intact;

C.  thereby maintaining the secure blessings of liberty from GOD to all citizens;

D.  and subsequent protection our free market enterprise, capital system in our Promised American Dream land.

Not experienced since its enactment 155 years ago, this sacred occasion is an Expose’ on, and the Celebration of, the Merits of the sacred, Congressional Law of super citizenship to black citizens, and hence, the sole and exclusive stewards of its intellectual property rights.

It is the pivotal point that will determine, the destiny, fate and final legacy of our great, Union republic, immigration nation.

The mighty Act was/is authorized to these special Americans, because their generational-collective ancestors were brought to British/US America, beginning 400 years ago (1619-2020), as shackled in chains, Negroid, African slaves transformed into chattel to serve America’s multi-ethnic, European, Caucasian-white, willing immigrant populations for a total of 245 years; and not because of their race, i.e., skin color, etc., nor ethnicity, religion, or minority/majority status, or sexual identity.

Always to be remembered and appreciated, are the 740,000 , young, innocent, patriotic, white boys and men of both, the Northern Union and Southern Confederate armies (many of whom were first generation immigrants), plus 38,000 blacks of such, gave their lives warring against each other, including President Abraham Lincoln, in the April 1861-May, 1865, “hot” Civil War because of…or for chattel enslaved Americans.

This unprecedented campaign officially begins by conducting the most significantly important and historic, unprecedented, Sacred Occasion lasting into the first two weeks of April from the 4th, which is the assassination of the Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and that of President Abraham Lincoln, ironically on the 14th of the month.

For the first time since its enactment 155 years ago, it’s our intention to conduct Phase II on the Floor of the US House of Representatives with the grateful to GOD support of American of willing immigration heritage, will rejoice in the grandest of celebrations ever of The Act of black citizenship.

In honor of Martin Luther King, the greatest civilian citizens in US history, who popularizes the term “Promissory Note”, the conference-celebration is ironically at the end of “Black History Month”…having the months’ last word and the dawning of that “bright day of justice” when “the negro finally begins to truly experience his inherited citizenship.”

“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerge.”

Thank you kindly for your participation. Whatever you are blessed to offer is much appreciated.

See |  |

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Narrative: “Cashing The Promissory Note” Conference Expose’ & Celebration Thursday, April 6, 2020 On Capitol Hill, Washington, DC Fri, 13 Dec 2019 17:52:09 +0000 Read more]]> Two Days Post April 4th, The 52nd Commemoration of the Assassination of the Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and 13 days before the April 14th Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.  This Sacred Law of American justice, freedom and liberty dubbed,

“The Promissory Note” is solely and exclusively, the National Birth & Identity Right, super citizenship of US Black Citizens, the true & original Subject Beneficiaries of this Sacred Act, whom are the descendant children of this Union Republican Form of Government, chattel slaves, et al.

The term “Promissory Note” is popularized in the 1963 “I Have A Dream” speech by the late, Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., when he admonished us at the Civil Rights March and Rally in Washington, DC to come to our national capital’s “Bank of Justice” where upon “cashing” the Promissory Note saying,

So we have come to cash this check — a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice.”

In this forced, 400th year season of black Africans 344 years of generations-destroying slaveries of general, chattel and Black Code-Jim Crowism (legislated racism), the Conservancy contends and exposes that the 1866-68 Promissory Note enacted to rectify the first 245 years of their enslavement has never been fully enforced by the proper federal authorities, primarily the Executive Branch.

This dereliction of Presidential duty has resulted in black citizens disproportionately lead all other ethno-racial demographics in nearly every negative, national social statistics, from war-like murder rate, abortion, lack of education, crime, violence, war-like murder of each other, and incarceration, with homelessness being the ultimate manifestation of this historically generational injustice.

Like never before, we need your financial assistance to raise this belated banner of American hopes and dreams.

“I still have a dream. It’s a dream deeply rooted in the American Dream” – “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal” – “All we say to America is, ‘Be true to what you said on paper” – “There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights” – “The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”

Thank you kindly for your financial support and hopefully attendance to acknowledge and celebrate what circa 740,000, young white boys and men, Northern Union and Southern Confederate Armies, plus 38,000 blacks of such who gave their lives in th Civil War to end Chattel Slavery, etc., and President Abraham Lincoln, all whom perished over, because of and for chattel slaves, et al.
See The 740,000 

Thank you dearly white Americans of patriot faith for your great and unprecedented in world history action of patriotism and love on behalf of American, black peoples, i.e., the belated black citizens.

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SOLEMN-SACRED WARNING Clause Tue, 14 May 2019 04:11:52 +0000 Read more]]> SOLEMN-SACRED WARNING CLAUSE:

This US Constitutional Law of the 1866 Civil Rights Act, the Progenitor (parent) of the 14th Amendment, i.e., The Promissory Note, is this Union Republics’ federal government of We the People’s prescription and operational procedures for the rectifying, repairing healing processes is solely and exclusively for the victims of the nation’s 245 years, generations-destroying, peculiar industrial institution of chattel slavery, including its generational aftermaths, such as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), as well as state, county, municipal legislated racial discrimination against “black citizens”, upon whose ancestors backs our purported, nation of immigrants is built.

If taken by unqualified persons, this particular rectifying remedy will render them into a generational disaster of untold and immense proportions, as the usurpation of this law by such, is illegal, and spiritually immoral.

Subsequently, there will be divine reprisal and retribution to those who persist in such US Constitutional and spiritually moral rebellion.

Americans of willing immigrant heritage can’t and mustn’t take the prescriptions that belongs solely and exclusively those of the freed chattel slaves, Freemen (non slavery blacks), et al, neither, can the latter partake of that which is of the former…lest they perish.

In other words, “What’s good for the goose, is not necessarily good for the gander”; or, “One persons’ medicine, is not another ones’ poison.”

Circa 740,000 young, innocent, white boys and men, of the Southern Confederacy States and Northern Union-Federal Government, plus 38,000 blacks of such, perished in what has been dubbed, the “US Civil War”, or “War Between the States”, or “War To Stop The Confederate Rebellion” but was actually, the War To End Chattel Slavery and Defend the Declaration of Independence,  specifically for, over, about chattel enslaved Americans.

Such is the sacred value that GOD has placed upon the consecutive-and concurrent, interlocked, Triad Amendments of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

Anyone who violation and transgression against HIM, Any unqualified-ineligible person(s) or demographic group whom justifies themselves to usurp these sacred laws, is the ultimate practice of national identity theft, thereby is a systematic, stealth-like ethno-racial cleansing of black citizens, the descendants of chattel slaves, upon whose backs this erroneously purported, “nation of immigrants” is built, out from all American society, subsequently leading to their actual genocide.  Whoa be to those whom violate this sacred trust.

If you are a US, black citizens, and are choosing to not honor your citizenship, but choosing rather to be of another identity, that is fine and there is no ill will towards you for making such a choice.  After all, this is the United States of America, Union republic…land of First Amendment freedom and liberty.

Thanks for your kind, considerate, and sensitive cooperation in this most crucial matter of black lives, by not taking the healing “medicine” heritage of our identity and lives, but rather, seeking your own, as we will assist you in such.

However, if you are not of the chattel slave heritage, but insist on usurping that which is not yours, then do what you feel you must do, and reap the consequences of your behavior.

Blessings of GOD and be of good health and prosperity.

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