These Three Consecutive, Interlocking Amendments Were Enacted Into Constitution Between December 18,1865, Beginning with the 13th, thru February 3,1870, the 15th.
Prior to these historical and unprecedented pieces of legislation the last amendment, the Twelfth, was passed 60 years prior.
There are no other such set of amendments in the US Constitution.
In fact, due to these three Amendments, combined with the 1866 Civil Rights Act (The Act), the Constitution speaks of a certain American peoples who are the sole Beneficiaries of a special citizenship that is specifically under the Protectorate and Guardianship of the President of the United States (POTUS), i.e., American chattel slaves and their descendant children.
The Act is the Progenitor of the 14th, by which it is codified-enshrined into the Constitution.
These three amendments are the opportunity and power for “We the People of the United States” to actually fulfill the will and Dream of the Founding Fathers, which is to afford the Emancipated Slaves and Freedmen full, complete citizenship “…as is enjoyed by White citizens…”
There are no other such set of Amendment Laws in the US Constitution to Anyone Else.
These laws were granted to American black citizens, former chattel slaves:
1. not because of their race, being Negroid, European-Spanish term for black, i.e., skin color and other defining physical and psychological characteristics, as Hametic, etc.; nor ethnicity; religion; minority-majority status; sexual orientation; gender;
2. but rather, unlike Americans of immigration heritage, who came to this land willingly, instead, black Africans were purchased by European, American, Christian, Jewish merchants from the west coasts of Africa, and unwillingly brought shackled in chains as slaves on wooden ships into British Colonial and United States of America, to serve peoples of immigration heritage as chattel, that is, living, human property for 245 generations-destroying years…of which they are yet to recover.
These three amendments are the opportunity and power for “We the People of the United States” to actually fulfill the will and Dream of the Founding Fathers, which is to afford the Emancipated Chattel Slaves, Freedmen and their descendant children full, complete citizenship “…as is enjoyed by White citizens…” As long as this Union “shall not perish from the earth”…thereby more perfecting the Union of its greatest and most dangerous imperfection, i.e. chattel slavery.