Results of Your “Cashing” Money

Your “Cashing” money for this historically unprecedented Capital Hill conference will result in revealing the full, contextual knowledge and subsequent instructions on the execution of The Act by the President of the United States, thereby accomplishing the following:

A.  healing the potentially fatal, slavery wound in the heart and soul of We the People, causing the long for white/black racial reconciliation [See 2008, Congressional Apology Resolution for Slavery and Jim Crow” seeking forgiveness for such ]

B.  keeps the Union republic intact;

C.  thereby maintaining the secure blessings of liberty from GOD to all citizens;

D.  and subsequent protection our free market enterprise, capital system in our Promised American Dream land.

Not experienced since its enactment 155 years ago, this sacred occasion is an Expose’ on, and the Celebration of, the Merits of the sacred, Congressional Law of super citizenship to black citizens, and hence, the sole and exclusive stewards of its intellectual property rights.

It is the pivotal point that will determine, the destiny, fate and final legacy of our great, Union republic, immigration nation.

The mighty Act was/is authorized to these special Americans, because their generational-collective ancestors were brought to British/US America, beginning 400 years ago (1619-2020), as shackled in chains, Negroid, African slaves transformed into chattel to serve America’s multi-ethnic, European, Caucasian-white, willing immigrant populations for a total of 245 years; and not because of their race, i.e., skin color, etc., nor ethnicity, religion, or minority/majority status, or sexual identity.

Always to be remembered and appreciated, are the 740,000 , young, innocent, patriotic, white boys and men of both, the Northern Union and Southern Confederate armies (many of whom were first generation immigrants), plus 38,000 blacks of such, gave their lives warring against each other, including President Abraham Lincoln, in the April 1861-May, 1865, “hot” Civil War because of…or for chattel enslaved Americans.

This unprecedented campaign officially begins by conducting the most significantly important and historic, unprecedented, Sacred Occasion lasting into the first two weeks of April from the 4th, which is the assassination of the Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and that of President Abraham Lincoln, ironically on the 14th of the month.

For the first time since its enactment 155 years ago, it’s our intention to conduct Phase II on the Floor of the US House of Representatives with the grateful to GOD support of American of willing immigration heritage, will rejoice in the grandest of celebrations ever of The Act of black citizenship.

In honor of Martin Luther King, the greatest civilian citizens in US history, who popularizes the term “Promissory Note”, the conference-celebration is ironically at the end of “Black History Month”…having the months’ last word and the dawning of that “bright day of justice” when “the negro finally begins to truly experience his inherited citizenship.”

“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerge.”

Thank you kindly for your participation. Whatever you are blessed to offer is much appreciated.

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