Mission Statement


The 14th Amendment is the National Birth and Identity Certificate solely of US Black Citizens.
This sacred law is not intended for foreign nationals whose citizenship is under the jurisdictions of their own countries; nor does it apply to any other unqualified persons


It must be properly understood and enforced by all branches of the federal government, most particular, the White House, i,e, the Presidency, back the military, when and where necessary, based on the Emancipation Proclamation

Identifying the law’s owners and Subject Beneficiaries whom are the freed chattel slaves, Freemen, refugees, colored peoples, negroes-black Americans of African descent

Mission Statement
Ensuring that the Hon. Mr. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States (POTUS) fully understands his Constitutional, Presidential duty to enforce as originally intended, the meaning and intent of the 14th Amendment, the National Birth and Identity Rights Certificate of US black citizens, i.e., the descendants of chattel slaves, Freemen, refugees, et al., that the matter may finally be made clear to all US citizens and foreigners.

Though he has made significant statements about, on behalf of and to black citizens, the focus is not on Mr. Trump per se, but rather on the office of POTUS, regardless of political party affiliations, likes or dislikes of the certain peoples.

According to the 1866 Civil Rights Act, the Progenitor of the 14th  Amendment, by which it’s codified-enshrined into the Constitution, therefore, protected, preserved and unquestionably enforced, Sections 2, 4, 8, and 9, gives the POTUS specific orders to be the personal protectorate and guardian of black citizens, they being placed directly under the jurisdiction of the White House and the Pentagon. ion because, unlike all others, he has courageously made the matter the center piece of his presidential campaign, for which we are most grateful.

While well meaning, if Mr. Trump is not fully knowledgeable of the matter, he may cause more confusion, and perhaps, unwittingly commit irreparable damage the understanding of the 14th Amendment, which will make our national plight even worse.

In doing so, the highest moral ground won to our country 150 years ago by the greatest generation in US history, which is the one in which 740,000, young, innocent white boys and men whose precious lives perished in the Civil War, will be retaken.

“For their sake, abolish not, nor alter the 14th Amendment Birthright Citizenship, simply enforce the sacred law as is intended”