The 14th Amendment Promissory Note Education Campaign

The Civil Rights Act of 1866 (The Act) Is The Introduction To Your Birthright Super Citizenship

  • The super citizenship exclusively and solely designated to black citizens;
  • First of such laws in US history at the time;
  • Progenitor of the 14th Amendment, by which it was/is codified, enshrined, embedded into the US Constitution;
  • Official, National Birth and Identity Rights Certificate as well as constitutionally legal intellectual property exclusively and solely to emancipated and liberated, freed by US Civil War (April 1861- May 1865) from 245 years of generations-destroying chattel slavery, including Freemen (non-slave blacks), refugees, coloreds (blacks of various shades of pigmentation and other anatomic features, and their descendant children as long as this Union republic “shall not perish from the earth”;
  • License that constitutionally authorizes black citizens to conduct on any range of subjects affecting then/us, business with and within the United States of America, via its federal government, particularly that of Presidential jurisdiction under which they have special “equal justice-protection under the law” citizenship “as is enjoyed by white citizens.” The Act, Section 1



The Petition

Presidential Proclamation

The Resolution

The Narrative

The Promissory Note Quote



  1. drover sointeru

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

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